New Research From NASA & Harvard Finds ‘Hidden Rhythm’ Built In Your Body That…

“Unlocks Your Peak Performance Potential On Command!”

“Unlocks Your Peak Performance  Potential On Command!”

Now Dr. Jeff Spencer… private coach to billionaires, Olympians, & Fortune 500 CEOs... shows how this ‘Rhythm’ is the key to high performance 7 days a week without needing to:

  • Join the 5am club...

  • Spend money on biohacks, or...

  • Waste time on long morning routines...

  • Join the 5am club...

  • Spend money on biohacks, or...

  • Waste time on long morning routines...

Dear Future Champion,

After coaching the top 1% of high-achievers in the world...

I’ve found how to break free from the silent hands of doubt that hold us back.

Imagine how it would feel to no longer...

  • Work 12+ hour days…

  • ​Check email every 5 minutes...

  • ​Refresh social media 20x a morning…

  • ​Put off your personal goals every month, and…

  • ​Feel guilty for not being able to get into the's some stuff

Sounds amazing, right? Well it’s now possible…

New science proves there’s a ‘hidden rhythm’ built in your body. 

And if you can sync your actions, habits, and routine with this rhythm…

You Can Unlock Your...
Peak Performance Potential!

I've helped athletes win over 40+ gold medals and championships.

From the Olympics to the Tour de France. I’ve worked with names like Dave Asprey, Jim Kwik and Nike, Bulletproof and Hitachi.

Which is why I might ruffle some feathers with this next statement, but...

Copying the “habits, patterns, and routines of the top 1%” is a waste of time.

Successful people don’t use special habits unknown to everybody...

Successful people learned high performance comes from a ‘natural rhythm’ that they were born with.

In fact, you were born with this rhythm too. The key is not to fight this rhythm, but to work with it.

It’s not just me saying this:

“Jeff brings clarity, stability,  and wisdom to the life of a CEO. He is a trusted voice  who has helped develop my personal strengths as a winner.”

Dave Asprey

Founder, Bulletproof Coffee

“If you want to get to the top and stay there, you need the clarity and certainty that you can only get from a true cornerman like Dr. Jeff Spencer."

Jim Kwik

NY Times Bestselling Author, Limitless (10,000+ Amazon reviews)

“Jeff’s ability to find the smoothest, fastest, least uncertain path in complexity is surreal.”

Chris Voss

Hostage Negotiator,Author of Never Split The Difference (17,000+ Amazon reviews)

NASA reports you can improve productivity if you work with this rhythm...[1]

Harvard Medical School says Fortune 500 companies lose $80 million a year. All due to employees working against this rhythm...[2]

​Harvard Medical School says Fortune 500 companies lose $80 million a year. All due to employees working against this rhythm...[2]

​Famous scientist, Russell Foster, says this rhythm causes our productivity. And it’s hardwired in us.[3]

In other words…

This rhythm is in control, not you.

This rhythm is strong. Willpower, motivation, and inspiration don’t come close to it...

But you won’t hear about this from online experts or influencers...

Because while the mainstream self-help industry says you need to...

  • Join the 5am club…

  • Do long morning routines…

  • Spend money on biohacking…

  • ​Meditate and ‘think to grow rich,’ or even...

  • ​10x your actions and push through the pain…

There’s a small group of people following an easier approach. And it doesn’t 

require the latest methods taught today...

Hard to believe? You bet. But look at these results from everyday people...

  • Sam doubled his productivity as a copywriter…

  • Blake created better results for his clients in far less time…

  • ​And Cam found work-life balance while increasing work output..

What I’m really trying to say is...

This Isn’t The Best Way To Be

Productive, It’s The Only Way...

So if you’re a business owner or career professional looking for an edge...

And you don’t want to sacrifice your health or waste time on other solutions...

You’ll love what you read on this page…

You’ll learn how to tap into real peak performance. Plus I’ll show you:

  • 5 sneaky ‘performance traps’ that cause self-doubt...

  • 11 opportunities we can take advantage of to be massively productive, and...

  • 3 rules for building your own perfect routine. This allows you to get into the zone, day-in and day-out.

My hope is you can have more money, happier relationships, and an easier life. All without ever feeling stuck again…

Meet The Coach To Billionaires,
Olympians, & Fortune 500 CEOs When They Need To Win Gold Medals

Hello, I’m Dr. Jeff Spencer.

People call me the Champion Maker.

I work with billionaires, Olympians, and Fortune 500 CEOs. That even includes Grammy-award singers. They seek my help when they need to win gold medals.

I’ve spent the last 50+ years of my life in the field of performance and creativity...

I attended the University of Southern California. I then earned my Masters in Sports Science. I studied chiropractic in Los Angeles.

Plus I’m an accomplished artist. I have glass sculptures featured in New York’s most prestigious galleries...

I’ve gained over 300,000+ hours learning, coaching, and mastering this field. This has been my obsession since I was a kid…

It all started when I was 7 years old…

I wanted to be an Olympian. The idea of winning a gold medal excited me. 

But it was just a far-off dream…

Then when I turned 11, I discovered I had an unusual cycling ability. That’s when I made it my goal to compete in the Olympics as a cyclist. And I gave myself 10 years to do it.

My plan was simple. It had 3 steps that I wrote onto some paper...

But even as a kid, I knew the odds were stacked against me…

First, my family was dirt poor.

I couldn’t afford any equipment, coaching, or training facilities…

I had to spend my last $15 to buy a plane ticket to compete in the National Cycling Championship. I flew from Southern California up to Oregon by myself.

My competitors stayed in the Ritz Carlton with their families and coaches. I stayed in the back of a VW van.

After the competition, I didn’t have money to fly back home. I had to hitch a ride in the back of a man’s trailer for two days...

Second, I didn’t have a dad.

My dad walked out of my life when I was 13. I missed him. I later found out he died on the streets of New York with nothing to his name…

And third, the chances of becoming an Olympian are slim to none.

Turns out, my personal odds were 1 in 360 million.

I had a better chance at getting struck by lightning or winning the Powerball...

But despite this, I never quit…

10 years later, I achieved my dream. I competed in the XX Olympiad in Munich, Germany as a cyclist.

I beat the 1 in 360 million odds.

Which leads me to where I am today…

I now coach CEOs, executives, and business owners. They don’t seek my business advice. I’m not a business expert by any means…

They ask me to help them reach higher levels of performance and productivity without burning out. What I learned as an Olympian helps people in business too. So I made this my new direction in life.

I soon found the real problem keeping these business owners stuck…

And nobody knew about this problem besides me...

5 Sneaky ‘Performance Traps’ That Keep Business Owners Stuck

5 Sneaky ‘Performance Traps’ That Keep Business Owners Stuck

I found performing at a higher level had nothing to do with:

  • Mainstream self-help advice...

  • Successful people’s daily habits, or...

  • 3-hour morning routines that start at 5am…

In fact, high performance had nothing to do with 10x’ing your actions. Or pushing through the pain and needing to “think to grow rich…"

This advice created the problems my clients tried to avoid. My clients didn’t want to...

Little did my clients know, it’s easy to solve these frustrations.

The solution is not hard. It’s not complicated. And it’s not overwhelming. If you stick with me for a few more minutes, I’ll even show you...

But despite how simple this solution is, most people will stay stuck…


Because no matter how hard they push themselves…

They’ll fail to reach a new level of performance if they commit these 5 mistakes...

“I have to sacrifice the things I love to perform at a high level.”


You can sacrifice what you love for the sake of getting more results. But if you care about your free time, I don’t recommend this. There’s a better way to reach your goals without sacrificing what you love.

“Being productive every day will leave me feeling worse than before.”


Being productive should leave you feeling better than when you started. This is the key to being consistent. Without burning out or falling off every other day.

“If I don’t start working right after I wake up, I’ll lose to the competition.”


If we get a fast start to the day, it still won’t make us feel like we're ahead. Starting your day fast leads to poor performance. That poor performance compounded over time is why people feel like they're behind.

“I cannot be productive when I need it most. It happens at random.”


Want to know how people get so much done in a day? It’s because they discovered how to show up when it matters most. The key to this is aligning your routine with your natural rhythm.

“I have to work more hours to be more successful.”


Increasing your working hours creates small, linear results. The key to breakthrough results is deeper focus during the hours you have. You want to work on the 1-2 tasks that move the needle.

If you’ve struggled with even one of these…

Then you’ve been living with shackles around your potential.

But the truth is, it’s impossible to fix these problems. Trying to fix them will feel like driving 100 miles per hour into a brick wall...

Because none of these are the real problems…

The Hidden Problem That Kills Focus, Confidence, & Our Creative Flow State

This might sound bizarre, but…

Your biology holds the key to your performance.

You can accept this fact, or ignore it.

Billionaires, Olympians, and Fortune 500 CEOs accept this fact. Which is how they live a successful life...

But the 99% ignore it. That’s why they fail to get closer to their goals...

Let me explain...

Science has found something called a Circadian Rhythm.

You can think of your Circadian Rhythm as an internal clock. It’s inside your body. This clock runs on a 24-hour cycle. It’s synced with the sunrise and the sunset. No matter what part of the world you’re in...

This clock causes different processes in your body to take place.

This happens every 24 hours. Like a rhythm. This rhythm changes your temperature and releases different hormones.

What does this have to do with performance?


This rhythm is part of your biology. You can’t fight it. You can’t resist it. This rhythm is stronger than willpower, motivation, and inspiration…

In other words:

Your rhythm is in control, not you.

Fatigue, distraction, overwhelm, sleepiness, lack of focus...

These problems stem from a routine that’s not synced with your body’s rhythm. The more out of sync you are, the worse it gets…

Have you felt sleepy during the day then wide awake at night?

That’s what happens when you’re out of sync with your rhythm. If we don’t manage our energy or stress properly, this rhythm changes and slowly kills our performance and productivity.

In fact, real-world disasters are linked to fighting this rhythm:

So how do we fix this?

Why Copying The “Habits, Patterns, & Routines From The Top 1%” Won’t Fix Your Problems...

Read the headline at the top of any expert’s website today…

They promise to reveal the “habits” and “morning rituals” from “the world’s top 1%...” as if it’s the key to success.

I’m tired of it...

Let me put it all out on the table...

Copying successful people’s habits won’t help you.

Successful people don’t do anything special. In fact, they all do the same things as you. But I’ll get to what makes the difference soon...

What works for one person might not work for you...

You need to be careful when people sell you apps, tools, routines, diets, and supplements. Especially if they sell it to you as the holy grail for high performance.

For example...

Making to-do lists and writing your day in a planner is a start.

Famous strategies like The Pomodoro Technique, GTD, and Don’t Break The Chain all sound like great ideas…

However, they don’t help you determine the right time to do anything. And as you’ll soon see, timing is everything…

There’s also phone apps and smart watches that track everything you do.

Now I’m a big fan of tracking habits...

But tracking everything can make things feel overwhelming at first. It's too much. It’s a lot simpler to change a habit than people think...

Then biohacking became popular.

I love biohacking. I was one of the original pioneers of this field 30 years ago…

Biohacking is a great multiplier. But it doesn't fix the core problem. It only works after you do what I'll show you in a moment...

Now don’t get me started on the spiritual crowd.

They like to meditate for 3 hours a day. And hug their inner child every morning. Their mantra is all about The Law of Attraction and “Think and Grow Rich.”

There’s nothing wrong with a positive attitude. But a positive attitude alone isn’t enough to create real results...

But you don't need to 10x your actions and “just do it.”

If you’re fighting your biology, then pushing harder will only make things worse. It’s like putting the gas pedal to the floor, while your other foot is on the breaks…

You’ll blow up before you can stop it. It’s the reason people struggle to be consistent...

Just make sure you hear this before it’s too late, because...

Just make sure you hear this before it’s too late, because…

You Either Learn To Deliver At The Height Of Your Game Now Or Miss Out...

We live in a 24/7 society.

Employers are demanding more…

Customers are expecting perfection…

Competition is growing faster….

Industries are becoming crowded…

Which means you need to keep up, or you’ll miss out.

But how are we supposed to keep up if we’re so distracted?

Internet… smartphones… social media… instant messaging…

Our ability to focus is getting worse...

It’s no wonder there's a gap between the upper class and lower class. People who break into the upper class can focus. And they can be more creative.

In fact, there’s a real advantage if you can tap into your creativity...

The World Economic Forum says creativity is a key skill. Especially in the future workplace.[8]

An IBM study of 1,500 CEOs found creativity is the most important skill for leaders.[9]

An IBM study of 1,500 CEOs found creativity is the most important skill for leaders.[9]

A study by Conference Board showed 97% of employers think creativity is of increasing importance.[10]

The harsh reality is there’s a disadvantage if you can't figure this out. Whether you're an entrepreneur or work a 9-5 job.

So my question to you is…

What’s your plan to get on top and stay there?

If you're reading this, then here’s my plan for you...

Discover How To Unlock Your Peak Performance Potential Using The Biorhythm Protocol™

We have a 24-hour biological rhythm our body follows.

This rhythm creates specific opportunities. These opportunities allow us to be more focused, creative, and productive. In fact, there are 11 of these opportunities each day...

However, not all 11 opportunities are good for us.

3 of these moments in our day are “attention lows.” You can increase productivity by avoiding these times.

You should not schedule important work here. You won't be able to focus at that moment. No matter how much caffeine you take.

Other opportunities in our day are called “attention peaks.” This is where getting into the zone can feel effortless. After you get used to this, you’ll be able to get into the zone anytime you want.

In fact, there are 4 opportunities called “creative windows.” These allow you to tap into your highest creative flow state. This is where you’ll create your best work day-in and day-out.

The final 2 opportunities are called “brain gain.” This is where you can retain information quicker and easier. These are your best moments to learn new skills and information.

Now what does this all mean?

It means this:

This 24-hour rhythm shows us the secret to maximum performance. When you align your routine with the right times in your day, you will no longer need to force productivity. You'll simply be able to tap into productivity. Especially when you need it most.

Plus, this approach conserves energy and willpower. This means you can repeat high levels of performance up to 7 days a week. This prevents things like:

  • Fatigue…

  • Burn out…

  • Drowsiness…

  • ​Lack of focus…

  • ​Chronic fatigue syndrome…

  • ​And tons more…

How can you take action on this?

How can you take action on this?

Follow the Biorhythm Protocol™

The Biorhythm Protocol™ is a simple equation:

Do the right things, in the right order, at the right time.

Let’s break that down:

RULE #1: You must do the right things.

What works for other people might not be what works for you. That’s why it’s not a good idea to copy other people’s routines. You must first discover the right habits that are best for you.

Then you must eliminate as many as possible. We only want the essential habits. Less is more here.

RULE #2: You must do them in the right order.

Once you’ve found your perfect habits, you need to find the right order to do them in.

Doing the right habits in the wrong order can drain your energy. If you feel more tired after a morning routine, this is why.

Doing the right habits in the right order gives you energy. It gives you more energy than you spent to do the routine in the first place.

RULE #3: You must do them at the right time.

First find the right habits and the right order. Then we can do them at the right times. The right times are your creative opportunities that allow for better performance.

Do the right things, in the right order, at the right time. We can work on all of these steps at the same time. Or focus on one at a time.

Once you apply this approach to high performance, your life will change for the better…

In fact, if you want help with this, then let me make you an offer...

Over 50+ Years & 300,000+ Hours Of Mastery Packed Into One Amazing Product...

Everything now is sold as a formula you can copy and paste…

But as we just learned, there is no universal formula.

Gurus and experts swear they know what it takes to reach peak levels of performance. They create products that contain nothing more than “wake up earlier” and “read more books.”

It’s decent advice…

But all of those products miss out on the true science behind this. And since I’m obsessed with this field, I decided to do something about it…

I combined three areas of my life into one...

  • The science behind the Biorhythm Protocol™…

  • 10 years of experience training to become an Olympian, and...

  • 40+ years coaching the world’s most elite performers...

The result was a new way to unlock your peak performance potential.

I kept this new approach private for a long time. I only taught it to my 1-on-1 clients. I didn’t know how to bring it to the public…

That all changed when I met a young man named Nic.

Nic was a college football player, professional strongman, and a brilliant entrepreneur. He had built multiple million-dollar companies. But he walked away from all of them…

He worked too hard and the stress was building. That’s when he decided to quit before he blew himself up.

Nic later found out about who I am, and he asked me for help. He wanted to get his performance back on track without sacrificing his health. So I worked with him on aligning his routine with his body's rhythm. It worked like magic.

Today he runs multiple companies again and enjoys every moment of it.

Nic loved working with me so much, he offered to help take my teachings public. That’s exactly what I needed help with. So we soon became business partners.

Together, we took my approach and turned it into an online product. A product that was easy to understand and could help people like it helped Nic...

We sold this new product to a small group of 21 people as a beta test. Just to make sure it worked. The results were amazing...

After a lifetime of figuring this out...

I’m ready to show you how to deliver at the height of your game. All for the most affordable price on the market...

You don’t need to buy equipment, software, or phone apps. You don’t need to try new diets or exercises. And you don’t need to have a ‘no pain, no gain’ attitude...

I will show you how to reach peak levels of performance up to 7 days a week.

You can do this in as little as a day. Feel better in one week. And see big results before the end of the month...

That’s why I’m proud to introduce…



Perfect Day™

Unlock Your Peak Performance Potential

Day-In & Day-Out

The Champion’s Perfect Day™ will show you how to create a perfect daily routine. Follow the steps in this program to unlock peak performance up to 7 days a week.

This program is the result of 50+ years and 300,000+ hours in the field of high performance. Billionaires, Olympians, and Fortune 500 CEOs use these strategies. And now you can too.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, creative, or career professional, The Champion’s Perfect Day™ is for you.



Perfect Day™

Unlock Your Peak Performance Potential

Day-In & Day-Out

The Champion’s Perfect Day™ will show you how to create a perfect daily routine. Follow the steps in this program to unlock peak performance up to 7 days a week.

This program is the result of 50+ years and 300,000+ hours in the field of high performance. Billionaires, Olympians, and Fortune 500 CEOs use these strategies. And now you can too.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, creative, or career professional, The Champion’s Perfect Day™ is for you.

Listen To What Other People Have To Say

"The ability to say 'Hey, I got stuff done today that would have taken me 3 to 4 days' is crazy. Because of how he breaks down how to schedule your day and what you can get done in a day is amazing."

— Robert S., Copywriter

"All my client campaigns are doing so much better because I'm doing better quality work in much less time by following The Champion's Perfect Day."

— Blake W., Marketing Consultant

"I know I was created for great things and I want to make a difference. I think this class is helping me to do exactly that. I highly recommend The Champion's Perfect Day."

— Robyn G.

5 Key Benefits You’ll Gain FromThe Champion’s Perfect Day™

Everything Inside The Program

The Champion’s Perfect Day™ contains 4 core modules.

We dive deep into the science of performance. I'll show you how to use this science to construct your perfect day. Our goal is to construct a routine that allows you to be productive. All without needing to force it.

This program does not force you into a specific routine. It’s not copy and paste, and it’s not one-size-fits-all. We created this to be flexible. We give you lots of options to build your perfect day. Then we help you know how to choose.

You’ll get the online program, the e-book, and worksheets to guide your learning.

The Champion’s Perfect Day™ Curriculum

The Simple Science Behind

The Champion’s Perfect Day™

In module 1, you’ll discover the science behind peak performance.

I will show you the optimal progression used by high achievers. I’ll show you how to create your routine around your creative windows. This will give the foundation to gain full control over every day.

What you’ll learn in this module:

  • The key to command your day - without urges to check social media.

  • How to tap into your creativity. Just follow your body’s energy rhythm.

  • How to inspire your subconscious to feed you good ideas (leverage the Gocus™ method).

  • 4 creative opportunities that activate your flow state. Learn when these times in your day start, when they end, and how to take advantage of them.

  • ​2 attention peaks that allow higher focus – and why this is when you should do your creative work.

  • 3 attention lows that crush creative flow states (don’t do important work during these windows at all costs).

  • ​2 brain gain windows where you absorb information. Use these windows to retain what you learn.

Which leads us to...

The Simple Science Behind

Your Perfect Morning Routine

In module 2, you’ll discover how champions start their mornings.

Most programs will tell you to wake up at 5am. Or they’ll give you a copy-and-paste routine to follow. This is not only wrong, but it can hurt your performance.

I will show you how to create your own morning routine. And personalize it to you. Your routine will feel different from every other routine you've tried.

What you’ll learn in this module:

  • 7 performance multipliers to create a perfect morning. Pick and choose from these habits to enjoy more energy.

  • How to stay balanced through your whole day. This will help you remain in control for 10+ hours in a row. Plus it helps you not fall off track.

  • Why starting your day fast is a risk (and how it doesn’t help you beat the competition).

  • How your morning routine can help you finish work early.

  • Business owners can finish work by 3pm. And people with 9-5 jobs can finish work with energy left in the tank.

  • How to work less than you did before (without needing to rush).

Which leads us to...

Your Perfect 

Work Routine

In module 3, you’ll discover how to finish your work strong.

I will teach you how to take charge of your performance. You’ll have the ability to zone in on your most important work. Whether you’re a CEO, manager, creative, or work a 9-5 job…

This will show you how to produce like a machine.

What you’ll learn in this module:

  • 7 performance multipliers to help get your work done. Follow these multipliers for maximum creativity and focus.

  • The key to consistent creativity – with the “Multi-Push Performance” strategy.

  • How to move tasks across the finish line (find your perfect work speed that’s not too fast or too slow).

  • How to make progress towards your goals. You’ll see how to set up your workday to reduce stress and anxiety.

  • How to set up your Champion’s Perfect To-Do List. This is a new approach to finish your work each day. It shows you visible progress on your goals and gives you true satisfaction.

Then we’ll talk about...

Your Perfect Evening Routine

In module 4, you’ll see how to end your evening. So you wake up the next day feeling great.

Your evening determines the quality of tomorrow's morning routine. That’s why elite performers know their evening routine is nothing to ignore.

What you’ll learn in this module:

  • 8 performance multipliers to create a perfect evening. These habits will help fall asleep and stay asleep.

  • How to let go of the impulse to work at night – use the champion’s method to free your mind from thinking about work.

  • Fun fact! Discover the 2-hour window where most athletes break world records. I advise my clients to work out at this time.

  • How to avoid waking up trashed in the morning – follow this easy night routine for good sleep.

  • Why it can feel impossible to get asleep and stay asleep (and how to avoid it if you run a business or work a 9-5 job).

And so much more...

Lifetime Upgrades

Get lifetime upgrades to every future version of this program we create.

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Our customer support team is available to help you Monday-Friday. Between 9am-5pm PST. 

Audio Files & Transcripts

Each video comes with downloadable audio files and transcripts for learning 


Here’s What Dr. Jeff Spencer’s Team Said After They Used The Champion’s Perfect Day™

"I was able to double my productivity. A project that used to take me 21 days to complete only took me 10 days."

— Sam Ocean, Co-Founder at Dualifi

"Dr. Jeff was able to install an operating system in my day so that every day, at any time of day, I knew what I was supposed to be working on."

- Cam Forrey, Co-Founder at Dualifi

3 Free Gifts When You Join

Goal Achievement Crash Course 

Champions don’t focus on goal setting. Champions focus on goal achievement. Goal setting and Goal achievement are two different things. That's why I'll teach you how I help my clients achieve their goals in 10 steps. Sell this full program for $1,000. But I will give you the foundation of it for free.

The Champion's Perfect To-Do List

You’ll see how I teach business owners to schedule their workdays. This helps you get important work done, while working less. It allows you to clock out earlier. And it leaves you with fuel left in the tank, so you're not burnt out.

 High-Achiever Ascension Model

“How come I’m not further along? Why are other people ahead of me? What’s wrong with me?” If you’ve ever felt like you’re behind in life, despite your achievements, then this is for you. This bonus shows you how high-achievers ascend through life. This helps you resolve inner conflicts that make you feel like you’re not doing enough.

What If You Could Tap Into Peak

Performance No Matter What’s On The Line?

It costs $60,000 minimum to work with me 1-on-1.

I charged $10,000 to teach The Champion’s Perfect Day™ to a small group of elite businessmen.

After that, I taught this to a private group of entrepreneurs at my home. They each paid $1,500.

Then I taught this in a small 2-day workshop to a group of people who paid $500 each.

This program is the result of 50+ years and over 300,000+ hours. This material used to be available to my high net worth clients. But I’m ready to make this available to the public…

I’m not charging $2,000 like other online courses. I won't even charge $297...

I want to make this as affordable as possible. All while covering my essential business costs.

That’s why today...

You can get started for one payment of $49.

You’re Protected By Our 30-Day Champion’s Promise

Here’s how the Champion’s Promise works...

I promise you’ll either love the focus The Champion’s Perfect Day™ gives you...

Or we’ll give you a 100% refund on your purchase. 

Simply send us an email to within 30 days of purchase. We won’t make you jump through any hoops to get your refund.

Here’s Everything You’ll Get In This Course

  • The Champion’s Perfect Day™ Video Course

  • Free Gift #1: Goal Achievement Crash Course

  • Free Gift #2: The Champion's Perfect To-Do List

  • Free Gift #3: High-Achiever Ascension Model

  • Protected By The 30-Day Champion’s Promise

  • ​All for one payment of $49

How Satisfied Are You With Where You Are In Life?

From where I sit, I see 3 choices:

You can do nothing.

If this is not a priority for you, that’s your choice and I respect it...

You can do this alone. 

There’s no shortage of free information online. It’s possible to find the answers by yourself, but there’s no guarantee you will...

Plus if you do find the answer, it might take years...

Which leads me to the final choice...

You can do this with my help. 

I’ve done all the hard work of finding, vetting, and testing literally everything when it comes to reaching peak performance…

Whether you quit your job to start your own business…

Acquire the financial resources to travel the world, or…

Create an impact that gets you featured in the headlines…

Unlocking your peak performance makes this all possible.

Take me for example…

When I was 11, I told myself I’d compete in the Olympics.

But I had no proof, and nobody believed I could do it.

Why would they?

I wasn’t born with good genes. I didn’t have any money. And my dad walked out of my life at an early age…

But despite all that, I achieved my goal by the time I turned 21.

Today, I’m blessed to have worked with accomplished people. I want to take my lifetime of experience doing this, and share it with you…

So if you’re not satisfied with where you’re at in life, I can help.

Join The Champion’s Perfect Day™ for one small payment. You even get 30 days to try it risk free or your money back.

You can get started in less than 2 minutes.

Click the button below. Enter your payment information on the next page. And you'll get access to the program right away.

Thank you for reading this letter, I wish you the best of luck.

Onwards & Upwards,

Have Any Of These Questions?

The Champion's Perfect Day™ will show you how to create a perfect daily routine. Follow the steps in this program to unlock peak performance up to 7 days a week.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

The Champion’s Perfect Day™ contains 4 core modules.

This comes with a workbook you can use to take notes in. We’ll also give you access to the PDF ebook. Each lesson comes with downloadable audio files and transcripts.

Plus, you get 3 free gifts:

  • Free Gift #1: Goal Achievement Crash Course
  • Free Gift #2: The Champion's Perfect To-Do List
  • Free Gift #3: High-Achiever Ascension Model

These gifts give you tools to build your perfect day faster.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

This course shows you how to work with your biology, not against it. This allows you to sync your routine with the rhythm in your body. So you can unlock peak performance up to 7 days a week...

All without willpower, motivation, or pushing through the pain.

It uses the Biorhythm Protocol™ created by Dr. Jeff Spencer. The Biorhythm Protocol™ will show you a simple equation. It shows you how to do the right thing, in the right order, at the right time.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

This course doesn't follow popular self-help advice.

We use what's called the Biorhythm Protocol™. This is how to do the right things, in the right order, at the right times. This means you won’t need to...

  • Join the 5am club…
  • Do long morning routines…
  • Spend money on biohacking…
  • Meditate and 'think to grow rich,' or even..
  • 10x your actions and push through the pain...

All you need to do is sync your routine with your body's rhythm. This allows peak performance to take care of itself.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Great question.

There are a few groups of people this will help the most.

  • Business Owners – If your income depends on your ability to perform, this is for you.
  • CEOs & Executives – If you're motivated to climb up the corporate ladder, this is for you.
  • Creative Artists – If your passion is to create art that gets noticed and earns income, this is for you.
  • Athletes – If you want to go semi-pro or pro, this is for you

This is for anybody who struggles to perform day-in and day-out.

If high performance is not a priority for somebody, that's okay. We recommend not to join the course. They won't get the full benefits The Champion's Perfect Day™ can offer.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Dr. Jeff Spencer is known as the Champion Maker.

He’s spent 50+ years and over 300,000+ hours in the field of high performance. He’s an Olympic athlete. And he works with billionaires, Olympic athletes, and Fortune 500 CEOs…

He’s helped athletes win over 40+ gold medals and championships in the Olympics, Worlds, Nationals, and even the Tour de France.

Today, Dr. Jeff Spencer helps elite performers win gold medals when it matters most.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Dr. Jeff Spencer works 1-on-1 with high net worth clients. Now he wants to build amazing products that can help more people. He's motivated to become a leading expert in this space.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

This course costs one payment of $49.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

I promise you’ll either love the focus The Champion’s Perfect Day™ gives you...

Or we’ll give you a 100% refund on your purchase.

Simply send us an email within 30 days of purchase. We won’t make you jump through any hoops to get your refund.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Yes, there’s a return policy:

You have 30 days to try this program. You either love it, or we’ll give you a full refund.

Send us an email within 30 days of purchase. We’ll get you taken care of.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

This is an excellent question.

We’re not in the business of using fake marketing. Dr. Jeff Spencer will never say “his marketing manager needs to raise the price.”

There’s a good chance that the price of this course will not change. What you see on this page is the price for good.But there’s a small chance Dr. Spencer might make a major upgrade to this course then sell it for around $300 to $500. We can’t predict if or when that will happen.

If that happens, we’ll do our best to sell this version of the course at this same price.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

No, we do not offer a payment plan.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

You can buy the course in 3 simple steps:

  1. Scroll up and click on the big gold button above.
  2. Enter your payment information on the order page. Make sure to submit your payment.
  3. Once you submit your payment, you'll receive an email with course access details.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

A couple of things will happen after you buy the course:

  1. You'll be redirected to a new webpage. This webpage will include a video from our team. It will offer you another one of our products at a special price.
  2. You'll have two options. You can add that product to your existing order or skip it. There's no obligation.
  3. Lastly, you'll get an email with details to access what you purchased.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Please email us. We'll get you taken care of within 24-48 hours.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Email us . We'll be glad to answer any questions you have. We do not offer phone or live chat support at the moment.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Dr. Jeff Spencer created a short training called The Champion's Perfect Lifestyle. He'll show you how to maintain peak performance alongside other priorities. This works if you're married or have kids. It works if you like to travel, party, or need a vacation. It also includes a segment if you work odd hours in the day.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Lots of people think they're night owls. But science disagrees...

  1. Chronobiology International says 1 in 5 people are night owls. 80% of us do our best work in the morning.[11]
  2. Studies suggest everybody experiences a similar flow in their day. They have an early high, a midday low, then a final peak. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl.[12]
  3. Scientists report speed and accuracy of completing tasks get better in the morning.[13]

Whether you're a night owl or early bird, this course will work for you.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Do the right things, in the right order, at the right time.

Let’s break that down:

  1. RULE #1: You must do the right things.
  2. What works for other people might not be what works for you. That’s why it’s not a good idea to copy other people’s routines. You must first discover the right habits that are best for you.

    Then you must eliminate as many as possible. We only want the essential habits. Less is more here.

  3. RULE #2: You must do them in the right order.
  4. Once you’ve found your perfect habits, you need to find the right order to do them in.

    Doing the right habits in the wrong order can drain your energy. If you feel more tired after a morning routine, this is why.

    Doing the right habits in the right order gives you energy. It gives you more energy than you spent to do the routine in the first place.

  5. RULE #3: You must do them at the right time.
  6. First find the right habits and the right order. Then we can do them at the right times. The right times are your creative windows that allow for better performance.

    Do the right things, in the right order, at the right time. We can work on all of these steps at the same time. Or focus on one at a time.

    Once you apply this approach to high performance, your life will change for the better…

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

[1] Mallis MM, DeRoshia CW. Circadian rhythms, sleep, and performance in space. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B94-107. PMID: 15943202.

[2] Brigham and Women’s Hospital Communications. “Calculator shows hidden costs of fatigued workforce.” The Harvard Gazette, September 25th, 2017.


[3] Foster, Russell and Lean Kreitzman, Rhythms Of Life: The Biological Clocks That Control the Lives of Every Living Thing, Profile Books, September 30th, 2011

[4][5][6] Foster, Russell and Lean Kreitzman, Rhythms Of Life: The Biological Clocks That Control the Lives of Every Living Thing, Profile Books, September 30th, 2011

[7] Sandra May. “Learning Launchers: We've Got Rhythm: Circadian Rhythm and Cognition on the International Space Station.” NASA, November 26th, 2019.

[8] Leopold, Till Alexander, Saadia Zahidi, and Vesselina Ratcheva. “The Future of Jobs Report 2018.” World Economic Forum,


[9] Samuel J. Palmisano. “Capitalizing on Complexity: Insights from the Global Chief Executive Officer Study.” IBM,


[10] Lichtenberg, James, Christopher Woock, and Mary Wright. “Ready to Innovate: Are Educators and Executives Aligned on the Creative Readiness of the U.S. Workforce?” The Conference Board, September 30th, 2018.

[11][12] Ana Adan, Simon N. Archer, Maria Paz Hidalgo, Lee Di Milia, Vincenzo Natale & Christoph Randler (2012) Circadian Typology: A Comprehensive Review, Chronobiology International, 29:9, 1153-1175, DOI: 10.3109/07420528.2012.719971

[13] Folkard S. Diurnal variation in logical reasoning. Br J Psychol. 1975 Feb;66(1):1-8. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8295.1975.tb01433.x. PMID: 1131476.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. or the Google website or Google, LLC or Alphabet Inc. Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way, or the Google website or Google, LLC. or Alphabet Inc. Facebook is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC. 

[1] Mallis MM, DeRoshia CW. Circadian rhythms, sleep, and performance in space. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B94-107. PMID: 15943202.

[2] Brigham and Women’s Hospital Communications. “Calculator shows hidden costs of fatigued workforce.” The Harvard Gazette, September 25th, 2017.


[3] Foster, Russell and Lean Kreitzman, Rhythms Of Life: The Biological Clocks That Control the Lives of Every Living Thing, Profile Books, September 30th, 2011

[4][5][6] Foster, Russell and Lean Kreitzman, Rhythms Of Life: The Biological Clocks That Control the Lives of Every Living Thing, Profile Books, September 30th, 2011

[7] Sandra May. “Learning Launchers: We've Got Rhythm: Circadian Rhythm and Cognition on the International Space Station.” NASA, November 26th, 2019.

[8] Leopold, Till Alexander, Saadia Zahidi, and Vesselina Ratcheva. “The Future of Jobs Report 2018.” World Economic Forum,


[9] Samuel J. Palmisano. “Capitalizing on Complexity: Insights from the Global Chief Executive Officer Study.” IBM,


[10] Lichtenberg, James, Christopher Woock, and Mary Wright. “Ready to Innovate: Are Educators and Executives Aligned on the Creative Readiness of the U.S. Workforce?” The Conference Board, September 30th, 2018.

[11][12] Ana Adan, Simon N. Archer, Maria Paz Hidalgo, Lee Di Milia, Vincenzo Natale & Christoph Randler (2012) Circadian Typology: A Comprehensive Review, Chronobiology International, 29:9, 1153-1175, DOI: 10.3109/07420528.2012.719971

[13] Folkard S. Diurnal variation in logical reasoning. Br J Psychol. 1975 Feb;66(1):1-8. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8295.1975.tb01433.x. PMID: 1131476.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. or the Google website or Google, LLC or Alphabet Inc. Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way, or the Google website or Google, LLC. or Alphabet Inc. Facebook is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.