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Here’s Everything You’ll Get In This Course

  • The Champion’s Perfect Day™ Video Course

  • Free Gift #1: Goal Achievement Crash Course

  • Free Gift #2: The Champion’s Perfect To-Do List

  • Free Gift #3: High-Achiever Ascension Model

  • Protected By The 30-Day Champion’s Promise

  • All for one payment of $49

Our 30-Day Champion’s Promise

We promise you’ll either love the focus The Champion’s Perfect Day™ gives you...

Or we’ll give you a full refund on your purchase.

Simply send us an email to admin@guardianacademy.io within 30 days of purchase. We won’t make you jump through any hoops to get your refund. 



"I was able to double my productivity. A project that used to take me 21 days to complete only took me 10 days."

- Sam Ocean

"Dr. Jeff was able to install an operating system in my day so that every day, at any time of day, I knew what I was supposed to be working on."

- Cam Forrey

"The changes I've been able to instill in my life, my relationships, my businesses, and all the athletics I compete in has been amazing."

- Seth Pennington

"The ability to say 'Hey, I got stuff done today that would have taken me 3 to 4 days' is crazy. Because of how he breaks down how to schedule your day and what you can get done in a day is amazing."

- Robert S.

All my client campaigns are doing so much better because I'm doing better quality work in much less time by following The Champion's Perfect Day."

- Blake W.

"I know I was created for great things and I want to make a difference. I think this class is helping me to do exactly that. I highly recommend The Champion's Perfect Day."

- Robert S.

Dr. Jeff Spencer Endorsements

“Jeff brings clarity, stability,  and wisdom to the life of a CEO. He is a trusted voice  who has helped develop my personal strengths as a winner.”

Dave Asprey
Founder, Bulletproof Coffee

“If you want to get to the top and stay there, you need the clarity and certainty that you can only get from a true cornerman like Dr. Jeff Spencer.”

Jim Kwik
NY Times Bestselling Author, Limitless (10,000+ Amazon reviews)

“Jeff’s ability to find the smoothest, fastest, least uncertain path in complexity is surreal.”

Chris Voss
Hostage Negotiator, Author of Never Split The Difference (17,000+ Amazon reviews)

Have Any Of These Questions?

The Champion's Perfect Day™ will show you how to create a perfect daily routine. Follow the steps in this program to unlock peak performance up to 7 days a week.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

The Champion’s Perfect Day™ contains 4 core modules.

This comes with a workbook you can use to take notes in. We’ll also give you access to the PDF ebook. Each lesson comes with downloadable audio files and transcripts.

Plus, you get 3 free gifts:

  • Free Gift #1: Goal Achievement Crash Course
  • Free Gift #2: The Champion's Perfect To-Do List
  • Free Gift #3: High-Achiever Ascension Model

These gifts give you tools to build your perfect day faster.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

This course shows you how to work with your biology, not against it. This allows you to sync your routine with the rhythm in your body. So you can unlock peak performance up to 7 days a week...

All without willpower, motivation, or pushing through the pain.

It uses the Biorhythm Protocol™ created by Dr. Jeff Spencer. The Biorhythm Protocol™ will show you a simple equation. It shows you how to do the right thing, in the right order, at the right time.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

This course doesn't follow popular self-help advice.

We use what's called the Biorhythm Protocol™. This is how to do the right things, in the right order, at the right times. This means you won’t need to...

  • Join the 5am club…
  • Do long morning routines…
  • Spend money on biohacking…
  • Meditate and 'think to grow rich,' or even..
  • 10x your actions and push through the pain...

All you need to do is sync your routine with your body's rhythm. This allows peak performance to take care of itself.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Great question.

There are a few groups of people this will help the most.

  • Business Owners – If your income depends on your ability to perform, this is for you.
  • CEOs & Executives – If you're motivated to climb up the corporate ladder, this is for you.
  • Creative Artists – If your passion is to create art that gets noticed and earns income, this is for you.
  • Athletes – If you want to go semi-pro or pro, this is for you

This is for anybody who struggles to perform day-in and day-out.

If high performance is not a priority for somebody, that's okay. We recommend not to join the course. They won't get the full benefits The Champion's Perfect Day™ can offer.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Dr. Jeff Spencer is known as the Champion Maker.

He’s spent 50+ years and over 300,000+ hours in the field of high performance. He’s an Olympic athlete. And he works with billionaires, Olympic athletes, and Fortune 500 CEOs…

He’s helped athletes win over 40+ gold medals and championships in the Olympics, Worlds, Nationals, and even the Tour de France.

Today, Dr. Jeff Spencer helps elite performers win gold medals when it matters most.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Dr. Jeff Spencer works 1-on-1 with high net worth clients. Now he wants to build amazing products that can help more people. He's motivated to become a leading expert in this space.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

This course costs one payment of $49.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

I promise you’ll either love the focus The Champion’s Perfect Day™ gives you...

Or we’ll give you a 100% refund on your purchase.

Simply send us an email within 30 days of purchase. We won’t make you jump through any hoops to get your refund.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Yes, there’s a return policy:

You have 30 days to try this program. You either love it, or we’ll give you a full refund.

Send us an email within 30 days of purchase. We’ll get you taken care of.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

This is an excellent question.

We’re not in the business of using fake marketing. Dr. Jeff Spencer will never say “his marketing manager needs to raise the price.”

There’s a good chance that the price of this course will not change. What you see on this page is the price for good.But there’s a small chance Dr. Spencer might make a major upgrade to this course then sell it for around $300 to $500. We can’t predict if or when that will happen.

If that happens, we’ll do our best to sell this version of the course at this same price.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

No, we do not offer a payment plan.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

You can buy the course in 3 simple steps:

  1. Scroll up and click on the big gold button above.
  2. Enter your payment information on the order page. Make sure to submit your payment.
  3. Once you submit your payment, you'll receive an email with course access details.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

A couple of things will happen after you buy the course:

  1. You'll be redirected to a new webpage. This webpage will include a video from our team. It will offer you another one of our products at a special price.
  2. You'll have two options. You can add that product to your existing order or skip it. There's no obligation.
  3. Lastly, you'll get an email with details to access what you purchased.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Please email us. We'll get you taken care of within 24-48 hours.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Email us . We'll be glad to answer any questions you have. We do not offer phone or live chat support at the moment.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Dr. Jeff Spencer created a short training called The Champion's Perfect Lifestyle. He'll show you how to maintain peak performance alongside other priorities. This works if you're married or have kids. It works if you like to travel, party, or need a vacation. It also includes a segment if you work odd hours in the day.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Lots of people think they're night owls. But science disagrees...

  1. Chronobiology International says 1 in 5 people are night owls. 80% of us do our best work in the morning.[11]
  2. Studies suggest everybody experiences a similar flow in their day. They have an early high, a midday low, then a final peak. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl.[12]
  3. Scientists report speed and accuracy of completing tasks get better in the morning.[13]

Whether you're a night owl or early bird, this course will work for you.

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.

Do the right things, in the right order, at the right time.

Let’s break that down:

  1. RULE #1: You must do the right things.
  2. What works for other people might not be what works for you. That’s why it’s not a good idea to copy other people’s routines. You must first discover the right habits that are best for you.

    Then you must eliminate as many as possible. We only want the essential habits. Less is more here.

  3. RULE #2: You must do them in the right order.
  4. Once you’ve found your perfect habits, you need to find the right order to do them in.

    Doing the right habits in the wrong order can drain your energy. If you feel more tired after a morning routine, this is why.

    Doing the right habits in the right order gives you energy. It gives you more energy than you spent to do the routine in the first place.

  5. RULE #3: You must do them at the right time.
  6. First find the right habits and the right order. Then we can do them at the right times. The right times are your creative windows that allow for better performance.

    Do the right things, in the right order, at the right time. We can work on all of these steps at the same time. Or focus on one at a time.

    Once you apply this approach to high performance, your life will change for the better…

Join The Champion's Perfect Day™ now.